I AM Discussion Groups
Week 4
I Am the Door
Pastor Mat Miller
Clip #1
Discussion Question #1
What do you think Jesus meant when He called others “thieves and robbers” in this passage?
Discussion Question #2
In today’s world, what kinds of “thieves and robbers” (ideas, influences, people) might try to steal, kill, and destroy the abundant life God offers us?
Clip #2
Discussion Question #1
How have you personally wrestled with the idea that Jesus is the exclusive way to God?
Discussion Question #2
How do you explain this truth to others in a loving and truthful way? Has the exclusivity of Jesus caused division in your relationships?
Clip #3
Discussion Question #1
Can you relate to the idea that even in the “pasture” of God’s care, there are thorns and rough terrain?
Discussion Question #2
How does your understanding of God’s provision and protection change when you consider the shepherd inspecting the sheep and tending to their wounds? How have you experienced both God’s abundance and hardship at the same time?
Week 3
I Am the Light of the World
Pastor Kevin Canterbury
Clip #1
Discussion Question #1
The Jewish leaders held feasts and festivals that pointed to the coming light but they missed it when Jesus was standing right in front of them. In what ways might people who regularly attend church today still "miss" Jesus or not fully grasp who He is, similar to those at the
Feast of Tabernacles?
Feast of Tabernacles?
Discussion Question #2
Jesus declared Himself to be the "light of the world" at the Feast of Tabernacles, a festival that included massive candelabras as a reminder of God's presence. How does the imagery of light and darkness in this setting contribute to the understanding of Jesus's statement and the reaction of those who heard Him?
Clip #2
Discussion Question #1
How does a "contrite heart" make someone more receptive to Jesus's message, and what are some modern-day examples of attitudes or behaviors that might hinder someone from having a contrite heart?
Discussion Question #2
In what ways can a lack of spiritual light (e.g., ignorance of God's Word) create an environment where evil can thrive?
How can a Christ-follower guard themselves from being
led into evil?
How can a Christ-follower guard themselves from being
led into evil?
Clip #3
Discussion Question #1
Jesus's declaration "You are the light of the world" is unique because it's the only "I Am" statement that Jesus says that is also true of His followers. How does understanding this
statement impact our sense of identity and purpose, and what are the implications for how we live our lives?
statement impact our sense of identity and purpose, and what are the implications for how we live our lives?
Discussion Question #2
What are some practical ways that Christians can cultivate their ability to reflect God's light in their daily interactions and actions, and what factors can hinder or diminish that reflection?
Week 2
I Am the Bread of Life
Sherri Van Fleet, Assistant Student Ministry Director
Clip #1
Discussion Question #1
In John 6:26, Jesus rebukes the crowd for only following Him because they were seeking miracles, rather than truth. How are people more drawn to signs and wonders than to Jesus Himself, today?
What type of signs are they seeking?
What are the dangers of seeking experiences over seeking
What type of signs are they seeking?
What are the dangers of seeking experiences over seeking
Discussion Question #2
God sometimes uses miraculous moments to draw people to Himself, but His ultimate desire is for us to have lasting faith in Him. Can you think of a time when God used something extraordinary to get your attention or deepen your faith?
How did that experience shape your relationship with Him?
How did that experience shape your relationship with Him?
Clip #2
Discussion Question #1
If needed reread John 6:28-29, 40, 47, and 63. According to Jesus, what is required for eternal life?
This truth is incredibly divisive—how does Jesus’ teaching differ from other religions? Why is it so hard for people to accept that we cannot earn our way to heaven through our own efforts?
This truth is incredibly divisive—how does Jesus’ teaching differ from other religions? Why is it so hard for people to accept that we cannot earn our way to heaven through our own efforts?
Discussion Question #2
Are there areas in your relationship with God where you may have a transactional mindset rather than a surrender mindset? Ex. “If I do xyz then God will be more likely to answer my prayers.”
Discussion Question #3
The gospel is simple, but living it out is difficult (John 6:60). Sanctification—the process of becoming more like Christ—is a lifelong journey. What are some areas where you are currently
growing or struggling on your path? Pray immediately for any person who shares.
growing or struggling on your path? Pray immediately for any person who shares.
Clip #3
Discussion Question #1
Jesus said His words are "spirit and life" (John 6:63). Just as physical bread sustains our bodies, His words nourish our souls. What are some other passages that explain the importance of God’s Word?
How do you currently engage with Scripture in your daily life? In what ways would you like to grow or challenge yourself in your time with God’s Word?
What are some tips that you can share to help others?
How do you currently engage with Scripture in your daily life? In what ways would you like to grow or challenge yourself in your time with God’s Word?
What are some tips that you can share to help others?
Week 1
I AM: Who do you say I am?
Pastor Kevin Canterbury
Clip #1 - Spiritual Blindness
Discussion Question #1
Jesus spoke difficult, sometimes even offensive, truths. What specific examples from Jesus' teachings or actions do you think people find most challenging today? Why?
Discussion Question #2
The man healed in John 9 demonstrates a shift from ignorance to worship. If spiritual sight is the key to understanding and accepting Jesus (rather than intellectual ascent), how do you believe a person can attain this 'spiritual sight' in their own life?
Discussion Question #3
Considering the social and cultural context of that time, what factors beyond just the content of Jesus' message might have influenced the Pharisees' hostility, and how do those factors
parallel or differ from the reasons people struggle with Jesus today?
parallel or differ from the reasons people struggle with Jesus today?
Clip #2 - The Living God, Revealed
Discussion Question #1
How does the concept of God revealing His name, 'I AM,' in Exodus 3 differ from how other religions, past and present, perceive their deities? What are the implications of God being 'self-existent and unchanging' for our understanding of His relationship with humanity?
Discussion Question #2
The Jews had a fear and reverence for the name of the Lord, YHWH, leading them to use 'Adonai' instead. In our modern context, how do we balance reverence for God with a personal, intimate relationship with Him? Does familiarity diminish reverence, or can they coexist?
Discussion Question #3
God's revelation to Moses is a turning point, where God reveals more about His character and name. How do you think this revelation impacts Moses' understanding of his mission and God's plan for the Israelites? How might understanding Jesus’ 'I AM' statements empower or challenge us in our own lives when facing daunting tasks or uncertainties?