CIY MOVE Summer Camp
July 7-12 | Cost - $575
How does this sound? Five days of incredible worship, captivating teachers of God’s word, a talent show, a dodgeball tourney, dorm life, and more! It sounds pretty amazing! Join us as we head to NAU in Flagstaff, AZ, July 7 - 12 for CIY MOVE. It’s the highlight of the year for most of our students! For students entering grades 9-12 and graduated seniors.

Sunday Worship
At 11am, high school students can experience their own service in the newly remodeled youth room. The service features a time of student-led worship, as well as biblical teaching designed to facilitate growth and spiritual maturity within each student. For our high schoolers, it’s a valuable time of community and fellowship.

High School gatherings occur on Tuesday nights, 7-8:30pm and is held at the church. The night consists of a time to hang out, worship with our band, engaging in a relevant teaching, and then breaking up into small groups for discussion. Each small group is specific towards the student’s grade and gender, and is led by 2-3 trained youth leaders.
Special Events/Camps
Generally, High School events occur quarterly, and are aimed at creating opportunities for students to have fun, invite friends, embark on adventure, and grow in a healthy community. We also have winter and summer camps, mission trips, half day hangouts when school is half day, and opportunities to serve on Sunday.